Scholarly Podcasting
Inquiry into the what, why and how of scholarly podcasting, as well how to peer review audio scholarship.
I've been making scholarly podcasts since 2014, teaching others how to make them since 2016 and researching how, what and why scholars podcasts (and what these means for knowledge creation) since 2017.
I really enjoy working with fellow researchers and practitioners as they seek to find new ways to create and disseminate knowledge - either by joining projects or grant proposals as 'the podcaster', as a consultant, or by teaching the craft to groups.
Please check out what I can do for you here! And then drop me an email if you have an idea we can work together on -- ianmickcook@gmail.com
Below is a selection of publications on podcasting and podcasts I've (co)created.
Scholarly Podcasting: Why, What, How?
I wrote a book Scholarly Podcasting: Why, What, How? (Routledge, 2023). Here's what it's about:
Exploring what academic podcasting is and what it could be, this book is the first to consider the why, what, and how academics engage with this insurgent, curious craft. Featuring interviews with 101 podcasting academics, including scholars and teachers of podcasting, this book explores the motivations of scholarly podcasters, interrogates what podcasting does to academic knowledge, and leads potential podcasters through the creation process from beginning to end. With scholarship often trapped inside expensive journals, wrapped in opaque language, and laced with a standoffish tone, this book analyses the implications of moving towards a more open and accessible form. This book will also inform, inspire, and equip scholars of any discipline, rank, or affiliation who are considering making a podcast or who make podcasts with the background knowledge and technical and conceptual skills needed to produce high-quality podcasts through a reflexive critique of current practices.

Critique of Podcasting as an Anthropological Method
I wrote an article Critique of podcasting as an anthropological method published by Ethnography in 2020. In it I argued that:
Digital audio technologies have expanded the methodological possibilities for anthropological research. This article explores some of the implications of using podcasting as an anthropological method, specifically an experiment in which interlocutor interviews were regularly published as part of an exploration into digital politics in India. The article uses the reflexive insights garnered from making the series to interrogate the possibilities of interlocutor interview podcasting for anthropology. Further to this, it exploits the interlocutors’ expertise on digital practices to reverse the analytical gaze, asking what their experiences of the digitalising Indian public sphere can teach us about changing academic/anthropological practices, especially regarding the enabling (or not) of new ways of speaking, vocal performances, the possibility for immediate publishing, and celebrations of newness. Building from these critical appraisals, it is suggested that the latent promise of interlocutor interview podcasting lies in the potential to create ‘aural intimacy' and a ‘circulating copresence'.
ResonanceCast is a series from Allegra Lab that seeks invites two authors to come together to discuss each other’s texts and the wider-ranging issues both speak to (a form of post publication ongoing peer review).
The Corona Diaries
In 2020 I led the multi-modal anthropology experiment The Corona Diaries, published by Allegra. The diaries were reimagined at the end of the year in a new format.

Urban Arena – a podcast about sustainable and just cities
Until December 2021 I co-created the podcast Urban Arena together with Kate McGinn. You can find the podcasts here and here. We passed over the podcast to friends who renamed it Urban Community and publish on the same feed.

Online Gods
Between August 2017 and June 2019 I co-hosted Online Gods: A Podcast about Digital Media in India and Beyond together with Sahana Udupa.

The episodes were republished by EPW, and most were done as an official podcaster collaborator of the AAA. I wrote about my experience of making the podcast in the article Critique of podcasting as an anthropological method and together with Sahana in the article Talking Media with ‘Online Gods’.
How Podcasting can Help us Rethink Higher Education
I wrote How Podcasting can Help us Rethink Higher Education, a short piece for Times Higher Education in 2018. I argued:
Podcasting in academia has the potential to be radically open. Open because it enables those unable to attend classes the chance to sample higher education remotely, because ideas explored in conversation are often expressed in more accessible language than in articles or books and because it allows students to expand their learning, giving a public voice to the type of questions that those immersed in academia might fail to ask.

New Books in South Asian Studies
Between 2014 and 2018 I was one of the hosts of New Books in South Asian Studies. I interviewed 48 scholars about their new books. You can listen to all the interviews I made here.